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Exports and Export Promotion

Trade is one of the best drivers of economic growth and company profits. Advanced and developing country governments, trade associations, and multilateral development banks alike have significantly stepped up export promotion efforts in the wake of the global financial crisis. Particularly SME exports are receiving a great deal of attention: after all, while SMEs make up the bulk of the number of exporters, they generate a limited share of any one country's exports, typically 20-30 percent. In practically every country, there is latent export potential to be tapped. 


Nextrade Group is a partner for our clients in this process. We have worked with such entities as the Inter-American Development Bank and Brookings Institution to generate fresh data and novel, high-impact ideas for policy and company strategies to fully harness the potential of trade for growth.    

                              Of Further Interest


  • Nextrade Group's flagship report for the IDB on SME Internationalization Read here


  • 8 key success drivers for SMEs to thrive in export markets Read here


  • Expanding SME export finance in the United States Read here

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