Nextrade helps SBA identify and support the next generation of US exporters and green tech exports
In 2022, Nextrade was awarded a contract with the SBA Office of International Trade (OIT) to understand its customer base of small...
Employee pool for ecommerce - roadmap for companies in Georgia with DAI
In 2022, Nextrade was hired by DAI for a study is to develop a skills framework for ecommerce, both domestic and cross-border, as a tool...
Nextrade partners with Google, AWS to monitor digital trade agreements' implementation
In 2018, 11 countries – Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam –...
Nextrade working with Cenpromype to develop Fintech and ecommerce agendas for Central America
In 2022, Nextrade continued our long-standing partnership with Cenpromype, to create a regional ecommerce agenda, new data on firms'...

Nextrade hosts at WTO Aid for Trade 2022: Public-private partnerships for LDC digital trade
Nextrade Group was proud to host a dialogue "Promoting recovery through digitization and trade: Role for public-private partnerships" at...

Central American Ecommerce Logistics Agenda and Digital Transformation Fund concept with IFC
Logistics and access to finance are among the leading constraints to Central American firms' cross-border ecommerce. In 2021, Nextrade...

Nextrade leadership of Alliance for eTrade Development
Nextrade Group leads the technical direction and all research in the USAID-backed Alliance for eTrade Development we built in 2017 and...

Working with World Bank's We-Fi initiative to enable women's ecommerce in Jordan, Egypt, Morocco
The Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi) managed by the World Bank and funded by 14 donor governments supports women...

Growing Firm-Level Global Ecommerce and Technology Development Databases with the World Bank
Nextrade has worked in 2018-21 with the World Bank and International Finance Corporation to build a global database, so far with 32...

Identifying trade corridors for an ecommerce leader
Nextrade was in 2021 hired by a global ecommerce logistics leader to identify optimal trade corridors for global cross-border...

Nextrade developing IDB's Digital Strategy to enable trade through technology Latin America
The Covid-19 crisis has thrown Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) economies into a tailspin. Expanding and facilitating international...

How digital are Central American firms? Nextrade partners with IFC to answer
Central American governments are working to enable firms in their economies to access and use digital technologies and ecommerce,...

Nextrade partners with Visa Economic Empowerment Institute to highlight the power of global networks
Mankind has for millennia built networks for commerce and communication. The 21st century is an era of virtual global networks. Enabled...